David Bakker

David Bakker

Nikki Rickard

Nikki Rickard

The experienced team behind MoodMission is  passionate about using technology to improve mental health and well-being

Dr David Bakker is the Founding Director of MoodMission. He is a clinical psychologist in private practice and has previously worked in rural mental health outreach, youth mental health, disability support, and a range of psychology services. He also teaches postgraduate psychology at the Institute for Social Neuroscience. He is passionate about technology and the evolution of its use in mental health support. David believes that his fresh approach to mental health apps gives him an advantage over other developers. Many currently available mental health apps are replications of low-tech self-help mental health interventions, like worksheets and diaries. David is deeply interested in the advanced interactive capabilities of smartphones, and wants to pursue creative ways to employ them in mental health apps. He looks forward to integrating technology throughout his future clinical and research career.

Associate Professor Nikki Rickard is a registered psychologist and an internationally recognised expert on novel interventions to promote emotional wellbeing, particularly in young people. She has an established track record in mobile app development, with in-house apps developed for research data collection and apps developed for public use. Her strong research background will ensure evaluation of the MoodMission app is robust and the resulting product maximised for efficacy.

Alongside MoodMission, Nikki and David also belong to the team developing and supporting MoodPrism, a mood tracking app with advanced data collection abilities. MoodPrism is now available for Android and iOS, and a recently published research article shows that using the app can improve mental health and wellbeing.

David and Nikki developed MoodMission through a partnership with Spark Digital, the ingeniously creative app development agency behind the hugely successful Smiling Mind app and website. Smiling Mind is Australia's most successful mental health and well-being app, with over 1 million downloads.

With support froM