Frequently Asked Questions

What devices does MoodMission work on?

MoodMission is currently built for all Android phones, iPad and iPhone 5 and above. iPhone 4S and earlier are not supported.


Does MoodMission need an internet connection?

After downloading the app, you will need to be connected to the internet to create or sign in to your MoodMission account. You will also need to be connected to the internet for your phone to download the Missions. However, once you have signed in and your phone has downloaded the Missions, you should be able to use MoodMission offline, without an internet connection.


Why Do i have to complete all these surveys before I can Start getting missions?

We are currently researching the effectiveness of MoodMission at improving mental health and well-being. This research is really important for a few different reasons; 1) no other mental health apps currently available have the same sort of scientific evidence supporting them that we are currently preparing, 2) we believe that claims should only be made when they have good scientific evidence backing them up, and 3)  it will help us find ways to make MoodMission even better and more helpful.

Completing surveys like the ones in MoodMission can sometimes help to improve insight and understanding of ourselves, so just the act of doing them may even help to improve mental health and well-being.’

Can I use moodmission instead of seeing a psychologist?

While MoodMission can be useful in improving moods and reducing anxiety, it is not a replacement for professional help. If you believe you require support for a mental health disorder, such as a clinical depressive disorder or an anxiety disorder, we recommend that you speak with a doctor or mental health clinician. MoodMission may be used in conjunction with these supports to improve treatment engagement and outcomes.

Does moodmission FOllow any clinical or evidence-based guidelines?

As a non-clinical support, MoodMission is not required to follow guidelines for clinical supports. However, every effort has been made to ensure that MoodMission follows best=practice guidelines for digital mental health supports, as set out in this article. You can also find an in-depth review, including of MoodMission’s adherence to evidence-based guidelines, on Psyberguide. MoodMission also uses cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which is a core part of clinical guidelines of mood disorders and anxiety disorders.


When I look at my statistics, it tells me if the mission was successful or not. What makes a mission successful?

Successful Missions are ones that have reduced your distress by 3 points or more. MoodMission will recommend Missions similar to these successful Missions to you in the future.

I paid to download the app. Will I now need to pay for an ongoing subscription?

No, you will not. If you paid for the app when it was a one-off paid download, you should have access to the app without needing to pay for a subscription. If you have any issues with access, please get in touch with us. You may see a “Manage My Subscription” section on your Account screen, but you do not have to worry about this, as you should have an ongoing free subscription to access the app.

How can I get MoodMission to be used at my school, university, or organisation?

Please send us a message using the form below and we'll get in touch. We would love to connect with groups and organisations that want to improve the mental health and well-being of their members. MoodMission can offer some exciting possibilities, so we'd love to chat to you about them.


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